Marketing campaign reintroduced to Indy amid record number of homicides – WISH-TV | Indianapolis News | Indiana Weather forecast

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — An initiative is being reintroduced to fight crime.
Pressure for peace on the streets is mounting after Indianapolis topped the record for criminal homicides over the weekend.
The city stands at 246 homicides.
Local religious leaders are asking the community to adopt a “Stop the Violence” yard sign.
Religious leader Reverend Dr Charles Harrison told News 8 that the marketing campaign was introduced to the community in 2005.
They hope the slogan will help change hearts and minds on the streets to fight crime.
News 8 first told you about a group of pastors from the Greater Indianapolis Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance who allied with the IMPD and the Marion County Sheriff’s Office at a November 17 rally.
Stop the Violence is one of many initiatives launched by religious groups.
The Indianapolis Ten Point is one of many grassroots anti-violence organizations that distribute them during neighborhood patrols.
Indy Ten Point president Harrison said they started with 700 panels and were already sold out.
About 200 people are on the waiting list to receive one.
“If we all work together and get this message across, then maybe we can stop someone from taking the next step and committing an act of violence,” Harrison said. “Hopefully this marketing campaign will spread all over Indianapolis and you will see the level of shootings, stabbings and homicides go down.”
Harrison mentioned that they hope to have the slogan on billboards in the near future.