What makes a successful marketing campaign in 2021?

What makes a successful marketing campaign in 2021?
Marketing is perhaps one of the most important functions of your business. It helps you reach new customers and keep in touch with your existing customers. Done right, it will define who you are as a business, demonstrate the value of your products/services, and convince potential customers that they should buy from you.
But not all marketing campaigns are created equal. In fact, a poorly planned and poorly executed marketing exercise can have the exact opposite effect. There are countless examples online of advertisements, promotions and advertisements that turned against the companies that commissioned themlike Colgate’s attempt to introduce frozen meals and the days when American Airlines offered unlimited free first-class travel for life in exchange for a single fare.
To research
The best marketing campaigns are those that are based on quality research. Many small business owners prefer to rely on their intuition or opinion, but this is almost never as effective as a well-researched marketing strategy.
Market research typically involves you studying competitors in your industry, understanding where they stand in terms of price, quality and convenience, and analyzing your own strengths. You will also talk to existing customers to understand why they are coming to you and to potential customers to understand what they are looking for.
With all this information, you can create a campaign that positions you in a market niche and meets your customers’ expectations.
In 2020, PokerStars has launched its I’M IN campaign which aimed to present the company as a platform for “adventure seekers”. The decision to do so was based on extensive research by its marketing team and the ensuing publicity in stark contrast to anything seen before in the industry.
Likewise, the long Got Milk? was first created by the California Milk Board in the 1990s after extensive market research. They wanted to understand why people were drinking less milk than in the past, and they found there were three main reasons:
- Perception that milk was high in fat
- That it wasn’t an adult drink
- That it was boring compared to sodas and other sodas
Despite this, 70% of Americans still drank milk, so the California Milk Board decided to focus on this group rather than trying to convince the other 30% to start. The “Do you have milk?” The campaign therefore focused on reminding existing drinkers that they should buy milk when at the store.
Define aims
Another mistake many business people make when planning a marketing campaign is not setting goals. Instead, they just hope to “get more sales.” However, at the end of the exercise, they are unable to objectively assess success (or failure).
Therefore, it is important to set clear and measurable goals for your marketing campaign. One of the best ways to do this is to create SMART goals; these are goals that are Sspecific, Mmeasurable, Afeasible, Rrelevant, and Jbased on time.
So instead of having the goal of “getting more sales”, a marketing campaign might have the goal of “increasing new customer sales by 5% after 6 months” or using SEO to “increase the number of keywords that rank on the first page of Google to 20 by December”.
In both cases, it will be possible to take stock of the campaign when it is finished and to understand with the help of objective measures whether it has been a success or not. Even if you don’t quite hit every part, whether it’s increasing sales by 4% instead of 5% or taking until January or February to get your target keywords ranked, you can still consider that it is a success.
If you’ve planned your marketing campaign well, execution should be easy. Therefore, it is a good idea to spend time and effort developing an action plan for your marketing campaign.
This may include the methods you will use, when these parts of the campaign will go live, and how long certain advertisements run for.
It is beneficial to spread your campaign over as long a period as possible because viewers and listeners need, on average, to see or hear a message about seven times before acting on the call to action. action of an advertisement.
As we can see from these points, it is clear that the success of a marketing campaign is determined by the groundwork done before any ad is created. So you should spend a lot of time in these areas.